Biden, Putin summit advice, expectation
Doomsday drinking guide | Biden & climate change | Bulletin program
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June 14, 2021
Cheers! A Doomsday drinking guide
With lockdowns in the US ending and larger outdoor gatherings returning, it’s time for brews and brats. Our suggestions on what to drink. Read more.
Biden’s climate change progress report
President Joe Biden has attempted to do more to boost climate action in his first few months in office than any other American president has done during his entire time. The question is, is it enough? Read more.
Opinion: Setting the Biden-Putin summit bar low
Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin will meet in Geneva on June 16, at a time when US-Russian relations have hit a post-Cold War low. A working relationship between the two requires that neither treat the other like an idiot. Read more.
Why one Russian is optimistic about Biden & Putin’s meeting
As a Russian working at an American university, Konstantin Sonin has a vested interest in any improvement in the US-Russia relationship. He’s optimistic about the upcoming summit because the relationship between the two countries cannot get worse. Read more.
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Find a tote for the beach, shirts with UV protection, and all kinds of other Bulletin merch at our Threadless shop. Every purchase supports our mission of being an independent, trustworthy source on man-made threats to our existence. Shop now.
Media accountability in a world of disinformation
Identifying and combating growing disinformation can be a struggle. Alan Alda Center’s Laura Lindenfeld and the News Literacy Project’s Alan Miller discuss with the Knight Foundation’s Paul Cheung how to cut through the hyperbole, misinformation, and sometimes, lies. Join us June 23.
Recommendations for strategic stabilityHow to prevent great power competition from escalating into open military conflict? Enhancing strategic stability in today’s world will have to take into account diverging views from all relevant actors. The Körber Strategic Stability Initiative developed 19 principles & policy recommendations that can serve as a starting point. Learn more.
“This has an innocent purpose … this is just the kind of experiment that could have and perhaps did lead to the generation of SARS-CoV-2,”— science writer Nicholas Wade, A Bulletin program
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