Biden should guide missile defense his own way: expert

3 min readSep 16, 2021


Editorial Fellows | Biosecurity | China’s missile silos

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Sept. 6, 2021

Bulletin introduces inaugural class of Editorial Fellows
Meet the seven 2021 Editorial Fellows who will write regularly in a new program that enhances the Bulletin’s editorial capacity and demonstrates our commitment to publishing a variety of voices and viewpoints. Read more.

The grave risk of lab-created potentially pandemic pathogens
Human error in lab research can lead to incidents or accidents that release a deadly virus into the community, writes Lynn Klotz, who leads a biotechnology education firm. He details the likelihood of a lab leak in sparking a pandemic. Read more.

Opinion: Biden should guide missile defense his own way
Biden faces a choice on missile defense policy, writes defense researcher Ivanka Barzashka. Does he embrace Trump’s “simple goal” of defense? Or does he revert to Obama and George W. Bush administration policies to build defenses only against limited nuclear strikes from North Korea and Iran? Read more.

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Pandemic world: Biden stops being polite and starts getting real with the unvaccinated
US President Joe Biden said Thursday that the country was losing patience with the unvaccinated and announced a plan to force a broad swath of the country to get its shots. Read more.

From left: Duyeon Kim, Matt Korda and Tong Zhao

Virtual program: China’s new nuclear silo fields
Are China’s new nuclear missile fields the sign of a shift in the country’s nuclear arsenal strategy? Bulletin associate editor Susan D’Agostino leads a discussion with Duyeon Kim, adjunct senior fellow with the Asia-Pacific Security Program at CNAS; Matt Korda, research associate for the Nuclear Information Project at FAS; and Tong Zhao, senior fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, on the recent discovery and how it might factor into future policy talks. Join us Sept. 21.

“Decisions by the Chinese now have a huge influence on the wellbeing of the planet and our future.”
Jennifer Morgan, “UK planning last-ditch China climate talks to break impasse before Cop26,” The Guardian

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Written by BulletinOfTheAtomic

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about risks from nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and biotechnology.

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