Bulletin article reignites COVID origin debate

3 min readJun 2, 2021


Killer robot risks | Annual report | Doomsday Clock playlist

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May 31, 2021

The Bulletin sparks coronavirus debate
Our coverage on the origins of COVID spurs an international debate and a presidential inquiry on whether it was natural occurrence or accidental lab leak. Since publishing Nicholas Wade’s article on May 5, the Bulletin’s reporting has been mentioned by the New York Times, The India Express, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New Yorker, and more. Read the story.

A US Department of Defense swarming drone test. Credit: US Department of Defense.

9 questions to ask about killer robots
Zachary Kallenborn, a national security consultant who studies unconventional weapons, says there are nine important questions to ask to understand the risks associated with autonomous weapons including how it decides who to kill. Read more.

How the Bulletin, Wade triggered an inquiry
Join science writer Nicholas Wade and Bulletin editor-in-chief John Mecklin in conversation with Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson on June 9 as they discuss the evolution of Wade’s groundbreaking article, “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?” Register now.

Our 2020 Annual Report
We continue our vital work of disseminating sound and scientific information and analysis about growing man-made dangers. Read more.

Rock on: A Doomsday Clock playlist
What do The Clash, Bright Eyes, and The Who have in common? They wrote songs that mention or were directly inspired by the Bulletin’s Doomsday Clock. Check out our playlist and tell us any we missed. Listen now.

“As presidents from John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama have noted, the ultimate goal must be to eliminate nuclear weapons altogether, as called for in the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which entered into force earlier this year.” — William Hartung, “Two weapons that shouldn’t be in the Pentagon’s new budget” Forbes

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Written by BulletinOfTheAtomic

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about risks from nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and biotechnology.

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