ICBMs are ridiculous

3 min readJul 13, 2021


Big Oil’s crimes | Remembering McMillan | Virtual program

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July 12, 2021

Image courtesy of Merio/Pixabay

Climate scientist: Is Big Oil criminal?
Adam Sobel says the fossil fuel industry lied about carbon dioxide and its effects on climate change. But is “crime” the right adjective to use to describe the activities of Big Oil? Read more.

Screenshot from Atomic Heritage Foundation video.

Priscilla Johnson McMillan dies at 92​​​​​
McMillan was many things: a noted historian of the nuclear age, Bulletin supporter, and the only person to know both US President John F. Kennedy and his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. Read more.

An unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launched during a test at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on February 5, 2020. Credit: US Air Force photo by Senior Airman Clayton Wear

ICBMs are ridiculous: a millennial’s view
There are better ways of spending more than $1 trillion than on the US nuclear modernization project, says Noah Mayhew, an emerging nuclear security researcher. One idea is to help pay down student debt. Read more.

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Make a statement with our newest T-shirt design: Time is Running Out by Nathan Doyle, winner of our contest hosted by Threadless. Find more cool merch at our store. Shop now.

Alex Wellerstein, left, and Lynn Eden

History of nuclear secrecy
Nuclear historian Alex Wellerstein and ​nuclear ​policy sociologist Lynn Eden will discuss Wellerstein’s ​new book, Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States in this virtual program. If secrecy and science form the bedrock of the Atomic Age, what does this mean for a path forward? ​​​​​Join us July 21.


“I think the important lesson that comes out of this is that climate change is not a future problem. Climate change is a problem today.”

— Benjamin I. Cook, The western U.S. is locked in the grips of the first human-caused megadrought, study finds, Washington Post

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Written by BulletinOfTheAtomic

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about risks from nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and biotechnology.

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