Making biomedical research less dangerous

3 min readJun 11, 2021


Hollywood to Hiroshima | Quasicrystals | Media accountability

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June 10, 2021

Herbert Sussan in a newly-reopened school room during filming in Nagasaki in 1946. (Photo credit: US Army)

From Hollywood to Hiroshima
​​Leslie Sussan retraces the steps of her father, a US Army photographer who documented survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “The faces of those he filmed haunted him,” she writes. Read more.

Red trinitite: L. Bindi and P.J. Steinhardt. Used with permission.

Behold the beautiful atomic quasicrystal
Something unexpectedly lovely was created amid the detonation of an atomic bomb 75 years ago: a mathematically perfect quasicrystal. Quasicrystals may be able to determine responsible parties in a nuclear terrorist attack. Read more.

Researchers wearing positive pressure personnel suits at a US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases biosafety level 4 lab. Credit: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Making biosafety labs safe
​​​Public health expert and Bulletin columnist Laura Kahn argues for changes in regulation of virus-manipulation research and mandatory reporting of laboratory-acquired infections to guard against lab leaks that could start future pandemics. Read more.

From left: Lindenfeld, Miller, and Cheung

Media accountability in a world of disinformation
On June 23, join the Alan Alda Center’s Laura Lindenfeld and the News Literacy Project’s Alan Miller in conversation with the Knight Foundation’s Paul Cheung to discuss how we can identify and combat growing disinformation. Our conversation springs from the Bulletin’s May/June magazine on how to dial back a disinformation dystopia. Join us.

Illustrations by Zdenek Sasek / modified by Thomas Gaulkin

The A1 Haiku: Leaning into the wind
This A1 Haiku from Bulletin multimedia editor Thomas Gaulkin is crafted from the New York Times front-page story, “U.S. Far Behind In Going to Sea For Wind Power.” Read more.

2020 year in review
Our annual report is out! Check out our vital work of disseminating cutting-edge scientific information and analysis about growing man-made dangers. Read more.

“In their cooperation to create the 1968 Nonproliferation Treaty, your predecessors limited the spread of the most dangerous weapons ever invented and committed to their ultimate elimination. … We appeal to you to show the same courage and sense of urgency again when you meet in Geneva.
” — Rachel Bronson, CEO, and Edmund G. Brown Jr., executive chair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and 32 others, An appeal to Presidents Biden & Putin on the occasion of their summit meeting

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Written by BulletinOfTheAtomic

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about risks from nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and biotechnology.

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