Manipulating viruses for research

3 min readAug 16, 2021


Atomic fallout | Bulletin Annual Event

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Aug. 9, 2021

Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki through the lens of COVID-19 and the climate crisis
Global vaccine distribution for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is deeply unequal, even as the delta variant surges. Climate change is wreaking havoc around the globe. In this perfect storm of public health and climate disasters, how can world citizens reflect on humanity’s past and ongoing engagement with nuclear weapons? Read more.

Now an iconic part of Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park, the “A-Bomb Dome” was the site of an exhibition hall just 500 feet from ground zero. (Prisma Bildagentur / Getty Images)

Counting the dead at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
How many people really died because of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings? It’s complicated. There are at least two credible answers. Read more.

This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 in yellow. (Photo credit: Credit: NIAID-RML)

Manipulating viruses for research
As the world continues to search for the coronavirus origin, the Bulletin looks into the controversial gain-of-function research method of manipulating viruses and how it ties into the pandemic. Read more.

‘Wake Up’ by Albert Diggs
Find new T-shirt designs like this one by Albert Diggs and check out our selection of mugs, skateboards, and more at the Bulletin’s Threadless store.

Conversations Before Midnight: The Bulletin’s 2021 Annual Event
Join us Nov. 9 for a unique virtual event that gives you the opportunity to engage with the most informed and influential experts tracking man-made threats to our existence. Learn more.

“[T]he mere possibility that the AMOC tipping point is close should be motivation enough for us to take countermeasures.”

— Levke Caesar,
“A critical ocean system may be heading for collapse due to climate change, study finds,” The Washington Post

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Written by BulletinOfTheAtomic

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about risks from nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and biotechnology.

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